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Psychiatric News Submission Guidelines

General Guidelines

  • Submissions should be emailed to [email protected].
  • Due to the volume of submissions, receipt is acknowledged only if a submission is considered or accepted for publication by APA.
  • Use of a generative artificial intelligence tool at any stage in the writing or preparation of a submitted article must be expressly identified by the author with the submission.
  • Submission implies consent for publication by APA in any medium.
  • All submissions may be edited by APA, including to meet style, clarity, and space requirements. Edited versions of articles are typically returned to authors for review and confirmation prior to publication.
  • All articles which are accepted for publication become the property of APA. By submitting an article accepted for publication, author irrevocably transfers to APA copyright of the article.
  • Articles must be original works of authorship, not previously published in any medium and not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • The author should obtain any necessary permission(s) from intellectual property owner(s) for use of any material included in the Article.
  • APA may use an author’s name, likeness, and other relevant biographical information in connection with a published article.
  • Preference may be given to articles/letters written by APA members.

Letters to the Editor

  • Length should not exceed 300 words.
  • Letters must include the correspondent's name, address, and phone number.
Opinion Pieces and Personal Experiences
  • Viewpoints Column
    • Length should not exceed 600 words.
    • Articles should reflect personal opinions on issues relevant to psychiatry.
  • First Person Column
    • Length should not exceed 600 words.
    • Articles should share a poignant or meaningful experience related to your career.

Residents’ Forum

  • Length should not exceed 600 words.
  • Articles should reflect psychiatry residents’ experiences during training. Examples include insights about the training experience, lessons learned, work outside the residency such as community service programs, observations about training curriculum, research activities, involvement in advocacy, and other topics that would be of interest to residents.

General Articles

  • Submit an abstract of your proposed article to [email protected], including expected length. Generally, articles are about 700-800 words.
  • If your idea is of potential interest to our readers, we will request a full submission. Such requests do not guarantee publication.
  • Articles should provide useful, relevant information in the realm of mental health and/or applicable to clinical practice. Longer articles, including Special Reports, will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • If submitting an article that includes materials from a third party (such as a chart or figure), you must obtain and include written permission from the intellectual property owner for the use of the material and include proper credit line with the article. Articles must be properly sourced and references identified.

We appreciate your interest in contributing to Psychiatric News and look forward to receiving your submissions.




 Petros Levounis, M.D., M.A.
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